Saturday, January 17, 2009

Session 2: Class on Saturday

As today is the replacement class for Chinese New Year holiday, we are continue with the session with Lego Mindstorm. Although it is Saturday, but because we are enjoy the class we don't mind to come on saturday ;-p.

During today session, we are exploring on how to use sensors and make the robot move while using the sensor. Firstly, we are exploring on how to make the robot follow the line and the sensor we are using is ultrasonic sensor and sound sensor.

robot with sound sensor

Thursday, January 15, 2009

First session of exploring Lego Mindstorm set

Today is our first session in learning and familiarizing ourselves in Mindstrom. We are being introduce to the software by our lecturer, Mrs Rashidah Ahmad. At the beginning of the class, we are just following the step on making basic car in the book provided with the Lego Mindstrom set. While for the software, we explore it by following the instruction in the Mindstrom Education NXT software.

Briefing about the software from our lecturer, Mrs Rashidah Ahmad

Lego Mindstrom kit

Mindstrom Education NXT software.

Basic car

After being familiar with the kit and software, we are trying to combine all the sensor in the kit for our robot.

Our robot with the sensors

TeaM UP!!!

::blog owners::team members::robotic creators::

Mohd Azwan Bin Sardi
Mohd Hanif Bin Mohd Zin
Noor Liza Binti Oman
Noor Syafiqah Binti Mohd Yusof

Assignment Requirement

::Project and Problem Solving Blog::
This assignment will require students in a group (max 4 students per group) to design, implement and test a simple instructional environment (teaching resource). The assignment will require you to build an example student project with the robotics equipment including all necessary programming. The project must be set within the context of a classroom activity and you need to explain how it fits into the curriculum and what the outcomes of this project are in terms of learning for the students. Teacher notes sufficient for another teacher to use should also be included as part of this documentation. As part of the construction phase and programming phase you must also keep a problem solving log and develop a short video (max. 2 mins) of the final product which must be uploaded to the blackboard site. Additionally you must also submit to your lecturers and upload to the Blackboard site a project proposal by 13/03/2009 (max. 1 page). This assessment item will be used to evaluate performance in Outcomes 1, 2 and 3 and will be administered progressively. Final Project and Blogs due 30/03/2009.